
the cool air will rush your hard heart away

Today was one of those days. One of the ones that was very nice and should have been much enjoyed. The lack of enjoyment of it on my part tells me something is wrong...

The selfish part of my heart is steadily growing larger and overtaking the miniscule thankful part.

Beautiful things have happened, so many things seem so right. Yet, I sit here and wish I was some place else and instead of making the most of every situation, learning the best I can from every oppourtunity, and being thankful each day for the life I have been given, I set up shop and feel sorry for myself.

The only point of this post is to remind myself that I know exactly what is wrong with me.


in case you were wondering

Yep, I'm still alive, still buying shoes, and still listening to Nada Surf. Life is good.