
Kiss me, I'm not Irish

I have a habit of being very quick to make judgements and form negative opinions of things, people, and situations. Several things of the past week have brought this to my attention.

Everything will change. My mind is bending to match.

Children need friends. I need friends. An essay on the subject is in the works. Research supporting this topic has been rather interesting to read, but not so intersting to write about.

Today is St. Patrick's Day and I am not wearing green. This morning I realized that I do not own many articles of green clothing...I have about two...and I didn't feel like wearing either of them.

It's friday, I'm in love.

What I like about Fridays: whatever I was about to say has been discarded, because I admit, I like the same things about Fridays that every other person probably likes about Fridays, and you really don't need to hear about that for the 1 millionth time of your life.

Currently listening to:
The Life Pursuit (its the new Belle and Sebastian!)
Strangers, Ed Harcourt


Brian Murnion said...

Holy Crap! Why children need friends. That is a great topic for a paper. (wheels are spinning as I write.) That's a great story idea.

It's not that your mind is bending, it's more shuffling about. He will shake your face.

I'm wearing green pants. And friday is a good day to be on the inside of love.

Statureman said...

I can quote The Cure too. "Why can't I be you?" There I can quote The Cure just like you.

Seriously, if you don't just get married and more out here with our MN clan you are spinning a web of circles and sounds.

Statureman said...

I mean "Move."

Speaking of move... remember that you could miss the family you take for granted when you are gone. You should bring a few family members with you...

Anna Murnion said...

Brian - I was going wearing green pants too but I didn't feel like it..but I had a green X on my hand for most of the day, so that counts. Don't forget your story idea, I want to hear it.

Caleb - I might already be in a web of circles and sounds and I know I already do take my family for granted, and I will miss them. We're working on convincing certain ones to come along, or at least to visit often...

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